thread: 2006-11-30 : Mechaton FAQ
On 2006-11-30, Michael S. Miller wrote:
I knew I had forgotten some questions last night! Here are two more:
1) Brady and I are barely within direct fire range of each other. He's got the initiative and shoots at me. This triggers me, so I declare him my target, roll, and split up my dice. He hits and does one point of damage which comes up a 6! My only remaining attachment is my direct-fire range gun. It gets blown off. Does this mean that when I finish my go, I can no longer hit him, even though I've allocated a die to it?
2) Same scenario, but Brady's damage die comes to naught. He opted to shoot and then move. He uses his move to get out of direct fire range. Does this mean that I can't hit him unless I opt to move and then shoot (provided I've allocated a large enough movment die to catch him)?