
thread: 2007-01-10 : Some questions about worship

On 2007-01-10, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:

"Worship," to me, is realizing that you are not that big and important when compared to all of us and what lies in the, if you will, shared imagined space we all have, and then being happy in a group about that. Maybe even being happy in private, but taking time to. That's pretty hippy-dippy, but all that subjugation of self is just the most self-punishing, control-enforcing twisting of something holy that I can imagine.

I've been going to church a lot lately - specifically, the Eno River Unitarian Univeralist Fellowship. Our new minister actually brings up the Jesus a lot, which I like, because I'm familiar with it. And, man, do I love realizing the dual truths that:

(a) I am very small compared to the wonder that lies out there.
(b) I am part of something amazingly wonderful.

Worship is realizing that you're part of something bigger and enjoying it.


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