
thread: 2007-01-07 : Mechaton campaign: defeat in orbit

On 2007-01-11, NinJ wrote:

Yeah, I thought you were going to take down one of her dudes. I saw that possibility fade when you left the defense you did - three guys to my five, leaving you in the same position regarding Em - but taking both of your objectives would have had a similar effect, so I kept on. You remember when I suddenly said, "Oh, crap, I might have just lost the game." That's when I lost plan B due to a mistake. That wasn't to happen. I had enough guys and one superlucky roll that I didn't lose, but I'd have needed another turn and even more luck to take it at that point.

So, Tom, I wasn't throwing the game; it was weighing these facts:

1: Vincent wanted that objective

2: Vincent cared more about me not getting the objective away from Emily than he wanted it; he was willing to forego that just to stop me.

3: And he outnumbered me by 1 dude, or 20%. Those are poor odds.

4: If Emily wins the objective, she catches up to Vincent, leaving me in third. If Vincent wins, I'm still in third, but no one has a huge, insurmountable lead.

5: That means that they're still pointed at each other, next game. I'm doing OK, but my modifiers aren't up where theirs are; theirs both total 6 while mine is only 5. So I'm behind by one turn.

So, I figured I wasn't going to win between Emily's dug-in defense and Vincent's outnumbering. My other option was to fight like hell, and I did. I came in second place by a measly two points.

Next time, Emily's the common enemy though. I think the new Minister sees that fact and will be willing to make some deals. Expect hyperbole soon.


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