
thread: 2005-05-02 : Person vs. Protagonist

On 2005-05-03, JasonL wrote:

Matt & Charles:

I'm saying that Spandex (defined as any added supernatural element not to be found in your average high-school science book) often provides that setting or character focus needed for enjoyable, tension filled, meaningful and dramatic paly, which makes the rest of it easier.  Remove the Spandex, and finding that focus could be a lot harder, and result in a game that's a lot narrower in scope.  Maybe a lack of meaningfully dramatic content in my own life makes it hard for me to see otherwise...*shrugs*

I agree, Charles, that mechanics (like in the games you mentioned), help to drive this type of rising tension.  But I don't think it's the whole ball of wax.  Divorce DitV's mechanics from the setting, and they'd work to drive tension, but maybe not as well.  Same with Dust Devils, for that matter.


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