
thread: 2007-01-22 : Mechaton campaign: battle 3 setup

On 2007-01-31, Vincent wrote:

Hey Jeremiah, thanks!

By the rules, no. When you spot someone who's already spotted, the higher spot value prevails.

It's important to the game that under no circumstances would you ever, ever, ever prefer for one of your own dice to come up low. If there's some good use for a low spotting roll, that totally bescrews the dynamic that makes rolling and assigning white dice interesting.

Now on the other hand, how about this rule:

If your spot die is higher than the spot value on the mech, you can adjust the spot value by the difference, up or down, to a maximum of 5 and a minimum of 2.

That might be fun to play with. It'd allow one mech to participate more directly in another's defense.


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