
thread: 2007-01-22 : Mechaton campaign: battle 3 setup

On 2007-01-31, Jeremiah wrote:

I see what you mean with the dynamic, don't know why I didn't before.  That kind of rule would lead to situations where you roll total crap and still do well.
"First I shoot my own dude with this (1) to make him go next, then I scan him with a (2) to jamm your comm..."

Not exactly in the spirit of the game.
It wouldn't really be "giant FIGHTY robots"

In reflection, I'm not sure that using yellow dice for counter-measure would be all that fun anyway.  You could have (2)Yellow, (2)Blue "Shield-bot", but really, why?

It's much more satisfying to have both your and my mech blow up, rather than neither. Isn't that the idea?

BTW, I hope to have some pictures of my Mechs soon. they're vaguely velociraptor-like.


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