
thread: 2007-02-13 : Exorcism

On 2007-02-14, Dave Younce wrote:

"When I was little, I was taught in Sunday School that we should never mention our Heavenly Mother, because She was so precious to our Heavenly Father that He didn't want to risk Her suffering human blasphemy."

I was taught the same thing, and that's kind of a fun doctrine. Kind of shows the very tender tough guy side of a perfect God. I like that one, though I think the reason we don't talk about Her is, sadly, more human in motive.

"When I was older, I figured out that speaking of Heavenly Mother in the singular was a polite lie. A polite abstraction, let's say; I suppose there's some wiggle room."

Heh. This part is funny to read, partly because you hit the nail on the head as far as the original doctrine is concerned (I was taught it like Brand's mother teaches it). The other part is the tone - as though you kind of mildly begrudge the fact that the church doesn't come right out and preach a doctrine of a polygamous God.

"I once overheard someone's parent, in such circumstances, maybe my own parent, speculating that the Holy Ghost is, in fact, Heavenly Mother."

Biggest problem with that is the whole 'no body' thing. I remember somewhere some speculation about whether the HG was always the same being or not, though. Like, specifically, whether the Prophet Joseph could have been serving as the HG for a time before birth or something. Never subscribed myself to the idea.

"You're their servant, and God's servant, and God's arm -

And how about I could shut up any time now?"

Hey! No! As many times as I've read this post today, that's EXACTLY the part I want to hear more at. I guess I'll just have to ('risk my soul' and) buy you a beer, too.


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