
thread: 2007-02-13 : Exorcism

On 2007-02-15, Blankshield wrote:

Ben: Hunh, wow.  That's not Catholic doctrine (at least not the Roman variety; can't speak to Eastern Orthodox).  It's not even common belief that I'm aware of, though I'll conceed that while doctrine stays (kinda) constant across the church, common belief fluctuates wildly.

The Holy Ghost in RC doctrine is the Spirit of God; equal share in the Divine Trinity with God the Father and Christ the Son.  The church on earth (in the sense you use) is the body of Christ (which is absolutely an intended metaphor with no literal interpretation implied).

Actually, to be totally technical, the Holy Spirit in RC doctrine is the spirit of God.  The Holy Ghost is a slightly out-dated vernacular reference.  (I haven't heard anyone use it seriously that wasn't either my parents generation, or Irish.)

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Catholic Encyclopedia link



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