
thread: 2005-05-03 : Creating Theme

On 2005-05-03, Collin M. Trail wrote:

Thanks Ben. I way already interested in checking those out, I'll have to make sure I get around to it soon.

I may get a better answer by doing what you suggest and buying and reading those games, but since I'm impatient I'll hit you with some questions now...

I can imagine that a particular game could have a set issue which it supports and directs the game towards, but wouldn't this mean that each game could only be address a particular issue? And wouldn't whoever chose the game be dictating an issue that the rest of the group might not buy into?

I could also imagine that a game could include a way of communicating the issue between the player and the gamemaster, but in this case would there be any way to support consensus on the issue between players?

I guess what I really want is a mechanism that allows all the players to have input about what the issue will be, and also foster communication between the players and gamemaster about what the issue is. Do you think either or both of these games do that?


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