thread: 2005-05-03 : Creating Theme
On 2005-05-04, Gordon wrote:
Speaking of PTA . . .
When Vincent says "It's not obvious that there's even a difference between "taking on the issue by refusing to take on the issue," which I fully support, and "not taking on the issue," which I think sucks," he's oh-so-correct. In the Moose in the City PTA game last GenCon, my character was approached by the Moose with a dilemna. I had her ignore the Moose. Because of my characters' Issue (personal connections vs. career goals, as I recall) and where that story arc was during that episode (building but not resolved - I forget what number that is), folks were able to figure out that I was taking on the issue, not just ignoring it.
Seems to me that having some way (system, social contract, SOMETHING) to distinguish between the take-on-by-refusing and the just-refusing is really important.