
thread: 2007-02-13 : Exorcism

On 2007-02-23, Sydney Freedberg wrote:

Mike: The whole "Congress shall make no law..." thing was an attempt to make sure that the government just kept out of the whole mess. Sadly, it didn't work.

It didn't? Could you elaborate? Because I'm honestly not seeing the problem you appear to be, and I'd rather understand your opinion than just shrug and move on.

Yes, in the US we do have horrible wrangling debates about whether City Hall can put up a creche on the lawn or not, or whether judges can have the 10 Commandments on their courtroom wall, or whether Air Force Academy faculty can proselytize the cadets. But I'm not aware of any systemic failure of the U.S. Constitution to protect the right of individuals to practice the religion of their choice.


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