thread: 2007-02-13 : Exorcism
On 2007-02-23, xenopulse wrote:
J, I'm sure you and your immediate environment and maybe even subculture are addressing those issues. But you're in the minority. Talking about it in small groups is one thing, internalizing its lessons as cultural growth is another.
The American culture as a whole? Sorry, they've still not confronted slavery, Native American genocide, WW2 internments, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or Vietnam to the degree these issues are calling for. Black History Month alone isn't gonna cut it.
It's very, very different from a country where everybody studies the Holocaust in detail several times during your public education time, pay reparations, respect and a lot of attention to the Zentralrat Deutscher Juden, and have an appropriately torn relationship to patriotism, the use of military force, immigration, and so on.