
thread: 2007-10-04 : A dawning realization

On 2007-10-05, Vincent wrote:

I don't know!

There's this outtake from The Devil's Rejects where there are two people in horrifying I've-been-tortured-to-death makeup slumped on the floor of a motel bathroom. The maid comes in and snarls because the lights won't turn on and opens the window shades and then opens the bathroom door - and the two actors burst into song and mug for the camera.

It's funny. The on-screen of the movie is apalling. But the more I watch horror flicks and the more carefully I watch them, backed up by interviews, outtakes and commentary, the more it seems that off-screen the actors, the writers, the directors, the effects people - the more it seems that they're having the most fun.

It really came out in the supplemental material for The Descent. Here he's talking about the process of cutting the movie for studio distribution, and it's clearly a series of frustrating and painful compromises. But here he's talking about directing and shooting and working with the actors and adapting the script to their input and his face just lights up.

Yes, part of it is plain old enjoying what you do for a living. That's cool. But I think that I'm seeing evidence that there's something fun, innately, about creating horror in particular.


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