
thread: 2007-12-13 : Mechaton rules questions?

On 2007-12-22, mattcaron wrote:

Ever consider having other stores besides The Forge RPG Bookshelf sell PDF's? I was looking to get a PDF of Mechaton, and Fred Hicks over at Indie Press Revolution said that the typical reason they don't have PDFs of a book for sale is because the publisher hasn't provided them with one, and that I should drop you a line, so I am.

Oh, and if you're curious as to why I won't buy it off The Forge RPG Bookshelf:
- They send passwords around in plain text (no https, etc)
- I don't want to have to wait to be authorized to get my PDF. I want an immediate download.

So, it just doesn't work for me, and something like IPR works a lot better.


(Oh, and this goes for other games besides just Mechaton, Dogs in the Vineyard, for example.)


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