
thread: 2008-03-15 : I saw 10,000 BC

On 2008-03-17, Emily wrote:

Yay for the multicultural/multiethnic cast, but stupid how the Eurasian/North American people somehow made it to a sub-Saharan region before actually reaching North Africa.

Oh! They must have been coming from the South Pole! Of course! For some reason, the fact that they came through tropical rainforest on their way to the desert again drove me insane! :) And at least the had the good grace to explain the completely anachronistic weapon etc. technologies the "4-legged demons" had, but please, why even begin by choosing that setting?

But, remarkably, the movie was kind of fun anyway. I definitely would have liked it better as a game of Wicked though. Then we'd get to say, "laws suck! Kill the gods!" and mean it. Oh, yeah.  :)

ps and Vincent, when do you think IAWA is set? 3,000 BCE? 6,000 BCE? Certainly not 10,000 BCE. No, no...



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