
thread: 2007-12-13 : Mechaton rules questions?

On 2008-07-19, Tom wrote:

I have a couple of questions:

1. I bought Mechaton back in June/July last year. Has there been an update, and if so how would I get it?

2. I'll be demoing Mechaton at the Penny Arcade Expo again (did it last year too). Can you send me some cards to hand out to interested parties, so they can find the game more easily after the con? You said you would last year, but they never materialized. I'll design and print my own if I have to, but you're welcome to send designs or physical cards if you have something you'd prefer.

I emailed you a couple weeks ago about this stuff, but got no response. Figured I'd post here since this seems to have stopped being a rules thread already. You can reach me at, replacing org with com.


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