
thread: 2007-12-13 : Mechaton rules questions?

On 2008-08-12, David Artman wrote:

Ooo... Pilot rules would be sweet, in Mechaton Rebuilt! I'd take it even further, with "specializations". For each level you gain, you pick a specialization. What they grant is the ability to re-roll the re-roll, if it is less than 3 and it relates to the spec.

For example, if one of my pilots is lvl 1, spec in Artillery, then I may re-roll any die once per turn, AND if it's an Artillery/long-range attack roll, I may re-re-roll it if it comes out less than 3. Any other roll may merely be re-rolled, and I suffer the result no matter what.

Ooo!! And you could add a "mastery" effect at, say, lvl 3 which allows you to keep the higher (lower, better, whatever) of the two rolls during a re-roll. At lvl 6, you become "supreme" and may re-roll three times, keeping the highest (note that each roll would be discrete, only taken if necessary/desired).

Cool idea, again!


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