
thread: 2008-10-02 : Fellow Publishers: Success? Failure?

On 2008-10-02, Brennan wrote:

1. What's your name? Brennan Taylor
2. What's your publishing company? Galileo Games
3. What game or games have you published? The Legend of Yore, Bulldogs, Mortal Coil
4. When you first started publishing, what success did you hope for? I hoped to become a professional game designer, and do it full time.
5. Did you achieve it? Nope.
6. What success do you hope for now? To have the company sustain itself and maybe turn a little profit.
7. Have you achieved it? Not yet, but I actually have a plan now.
8. If a hopeful new RPG publisher came to you and asked you for your wisdom, to help her set reasonable expectations for her own games' success, what would you tell her? I'd tell her to answer question #4, and then take a look at the market and what other people are doing. Then re-examine her answer. Does it look achievable? If so, write down your plan and start implementing. If not, reassess your goals and see if you will be satisfied with what you can reasonably achieve.


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