
thread: 2008-10-02 : Fellow Publishers: Success? Failure?

On 2008-10-02, Valamir wrote:

1. What's your name?
Ralph Mazza

2. What's your publishing company?
Ramshead Publishing

3. What game or games have you published?
Blood Red Sands (soon)
Robots & Rapiers (eventually, yes...for real)

4. When you first started publishing, what success did you hope for?
People would play my games and tell me I'm awesome.

5. Did you achieve it?
Well, mostly.  Some people tell me I'm awesome.
Ok they're all mostly related to me.
Well, really there's just one person who tells me I'm awesome.
And its me.
But I'm pretty adamant about it.

6. What success do you hope for now?
To double the number of people who tell me I'm awesome by the end of the year.
And to make enough profit so that my fun hobby business pays for itself and other hobby related expenses.

7. Have you achieved it?
Well there's still 3 months left in the year for the first one.
And pretty much yes to the second.  Except when I go super crazy and buy a gajillion games I don't really need.

8. If a hopeful new RPG publisher came to you and asked you for your wisdom, to help her set reasonable expectations for her own games' success, what would you tell her?
For every one person who loves your game there will be 10 who like it, 100 who despise it and you for making it, 1000 who don't give a shit, and everyone else will never have heard of it.


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