
thread: 2008-10-02 : Fellow Publishers: Success? Failure?

On 2008-10-03, Vincent wrote:

1. What's your name?

2. What's your publishing company?
lumpley games.

3. What game or games have you published?
kill puppies for satan, Dogs in the Vineyard, Mechaton, In a Wicked Age, Poison'd.

4. When you first started publishing, what success did you hope for?
I hoped to get Jonathan Tweet's attention.

5. Did you achieve it?

6. What success do you hope for now?
I hope to make $20,000 a year (profit) publishing games.

7. Have you achieved it?
Nope. I'll have to publish another couple of games to do it.

8. If a hopeful new RPG publisher came to you and asked you for your wisdom, to help her set reasonable expectations for her own games' success, what would you tell her?
Don't expect your first game to be your breakout game. Expect to spend a few years working hard without much recognition - you won't lose money, if you're smart, but expect the first few years to be about breaking even and laying a foundation.

Lay that foundation as hard as you can.


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