
thread: 2008-10-02 : Fellow Publishers: Success? Failure?

On 2008-10-03, trukulo wrote:

1. What's your name?
Trukulo. Yes, i use my nickname.

2. What's your publishing company?

3. What game or games have you published?
RyF, Fashion Fudge and Legacy of Stradivarius (all in spanish).

4. When you first started publishing, what success did you hope for?
1 - With RyF, Be the linux for roleplaying games.
2 - Or at least, make a game my friends and i like.
3 - With the others, just enjoy.

5. Did you achieve it?
No to first. Absolutly yes to second. Pretty yes to third.

6. What success do you hope for now?
People making their own games with our game, and achieve big success.

7. Have you achieved it?
Not yet. But i have hope.

8. If a hopeful new RPG publisher came to you and asked you for your wisdom, to help her set reasonable expectations for her own games' success, what would you tell her?
If you want people play your game, do a LOT of playtesting with different people and groups. If you want money... Wall Street is safer (even now).


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