
thread: 2008-10-02 : Fellow Publishers: Success? Failure?

On 2008-10-05, TonyDowler wrote:

1. What's your name?
Tony Dowler

2. What's your publishing company?
Planet Thirteen

3. What game or games have you published?
How to Host a Dungeon

4. When you first started publishing, what success did you hope for?
Achieve my childhood goal of attending Gen Con
Satisfy the requirements of my adult life by proving that a Gen Con trip can pay for itself
Show myself and others that with effort I can contribute something meaninful to the conversation in return for all the good I've recieved from the community.

5. Did you achieve it?

6. What success do you hope for now?
To hack my life to the point where I can give my love of games and game design a progressively larger share of my attention and creativity.
To make games that change the way people think.

7. Have you achieved it?
The early stages are going well.

8. If a hopeful new RPG publisher came to you and asked you for your wisdom, to help her set reasonable expectations for her own games' success, what would you tell her?
I'd say it comes in steps.


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