
thread: 2007-12-13 : Mechaton rules questions?

On 2008-10-18, Parduz wrote:

Hi to all from Italy (so, pls, forgive my poor english).

I bought the rules about a week ago, and readed them 3 or 4 times.

I don't get some points, so i'm asking to you all.

1) 9-Long Ruler. 9 what? Inches? And how long are the axis used to build it? So all that joint are for what purpose?

2) Movement: Page 10 says "WHEN YOU MOVE Move a number of hexes equal to your move die, or less." ... Hexes? are not we playing with "inches" (or whatever that "9" means)? So, how much i move per die point?

3) how much hours are needed to play a 3 player game as described at the beginning of the rules?

Thanks in advance.

Oh, you can look at my very first Lego mechs (i'm 38, and i do not use my Legos from '83, more or less) at Moc Pages


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