
thread: 2007-12-13 : Mechaton rules questions?

On 2008-10-21, Parduz wrote:

sorry to bore you all again, but this night i've done another match and i have new rules questions.
Seriously, sorry if these seems stupid, it may be the foreign language.... or maybe i'm just dumb.
1) When i have to choose a target, can i choose a Mech which is not in the range of the attack (so, i hope on movement to reach it)? Or i need to target a Mech which already is in the range?
2) I shoot a Mech under cover, and i roll 2 "5". The cover have only 3 bricks left, so after the first "5" there's no more cover, but only single bricks. Do the 2nd "5" hit the Mech or it is wasted 'cause there WAS a cover?


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