
thread: 2007-12-13 : Mechaton rules questions?

On 2008-10-30, Vincent wrote:

First glance response:

1. Despite the impression I may have given above, talking with David, I fully endorse and am way excited by mods, house rules and tweaks. Follow your inspiration!

(I may be a cranky old stickler and wet blanket about the rules I publish myself, but not about the rules anybody else publishes. Go crazy, I'm behind you 100%.)

2. Some of those effects are super cool.

A hard line I've always drawn is: no improving defense. I still feel that way. (That's why there's no defensive equivalent to spotting.)

I've always wanted a way for you to involuntarily move an enemy mech. Let me know how that one works.

I like the sat link with my whole brain.


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