
thread: 2007-12-13 : Mechaton rules questions?

On 2010-01-19, nova3k wrote:

Wow, do i feel stupid. of course after you answer my question i notice it mentioned twice in the core rulebook.

now i have another clarification i need:

From what i understand, a round of combat goes thusly...

all mechs roll their initiative dice to determine order of play.

they play in that order (unless otherwise overwritten by combat order)

after the last mech goes, all dice in play are discarded, then new initiatives are rolled and order repeats.

My question is if your mech takes damage by losing attachments, does his initiative go up? For example, billy was a 3 attachment 2 initiative mech, and it lost one of its attachments. does it now become a 3 initiative mech?


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