
thread: 2010-02-19 : Shared Positioning at the Micro

On 2010-02-22, Vincent wrote:

John: I'll see if I can figure out how that works, thanks!

Nathan: A quick preview!

Remember the example of the warrior who becomes mayor? Here's a reliable currency rule:
If you switch your class from warrior to politician, your experience in battle half-applies to the political arena. Buy politician abilities with half the total XP you've spent on warrior abilities.

So if our warrior has spent 50 XP on warrior abilities, when he makes the switch to politician he reliably gets 25 XP to buy politician abilities. His player can use this to decide when and whether to make the switch.

Here's a corresponding unreliable currency rule:
If you switch your class from warrior to politician, does your experience in battle apply to the political arena? Roll percentile dice. Buy politician abilities with that percent of the total XP you've spent on warrior abilities.

So now if our warrior makes the switch, how many XP he gets to buy political abilities with isn't reliable. If he rolls a 15 on the percentile dice, that gives him 8 XP - I guess he learned things from battle that don't really apply to politics. If he rolls an 80, though, that gives him 40 XP, and so he's able to bring his battle experience powerfully to bear.

Hold off on discussing this for now, everybody! This is just an example of what I mean by reliable vs unreliable currency.

James: Just the stop of the stairwell. If you squint, you can make out the pipe handrail attached to it.


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