
thread: 2010-04-26 : The MC, a GM

On 2010-04-30, Josh W wrote:

So ars magica as you played it is GM'd (or co-GM'd) the same way as apocalypse world?

How does misdirecting work in that co-GM'ing context? Is it just that when you reveal what you were actually doing, the obfuscation collapses and other players recognise it as a move?

I'm not sure that's very clear, basically I'm talking about the old distinction between "mysteries" and "revelations with foreshadowing" in that case a pre-existing move structure would provide the interpretive framework to allow people to spot foreshadowing. The ideal structure might then be one that you only catch other player's intentions maybe 25% of the time, but when they reveal them you can look back and find that the logic is obvious.

Did you make intentional ambiguities between moves? And are there moves that just don't work in co-GM'ing>


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