
thread: 2010-04-26 : The MC, a GM

On 2010-04-30, Chris wrote:

The MC Moves keep the game focused on a post apoc feel. I'm actually not a huge fan of "moves" by the gm, per se. I like to just like things like Fronts lead to "plot". Here's an interesting quote by the creators of one of the pieces of media AW is emulating:

"Joss doesn't believe in moves. Moves are plot developments within a story that are there because they are "cool", amusing or convenient for the writer. Instead, Joss likes events in a story to occur because those and exactly those events get at the emotional truth he is demonstrating"
-Jane Espenson, referring to Mutant Enemy's (Joss Whedon's production company)views on story and plot.

I think the use of the word "moves" is interesting. I think what is being said here, in terms of AW, is that the story should generate from the Fronts rather than from the Moves, or at least, that the MC should be careful to select the right Move that ties in best with the current Front.

It's important to remember that the Moves are not just a cafeteria menu. They're not just a chart for random rolls. They don't guarantee good GMing. There is still a learning curve here, the same with any other game.

It's interesting because AW is not the only game with Fronts. The new Dresden Files game has them as well, with it's Themes and Threats-based city creation. Both are very cool little GM tools that go a long way towards helping GMs tell good stories through organizational means.

But like I said: they don't guarantee a good game by themselves.


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