
thread: 2010-04-26 : The MC, a GM

On 2010-05-07, Jaywalt wrote:

I think we also have developed the "technology" to communicate to non-GM players how to approach play:

- Keys (TSOY)
- Fanmail (PTA)
- Beliefs & Instincts (BW)
- Aspects (SOTC)
- Restrictions (Nobilis)
- Loresheets (WOTG)
- See/Raise/Give/Escalate (Dogs)
- Player Moves (AW)
- etc.

Those are basically all the player-equivilent of Fronts and have definitely made it easier for me, as a player, to have a better handle on how to make things happen on my end. Now we can do it BOTH WAYS! (or all ways, as the GM role gets distributed in other forms).


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