
thread: 2010-04-26 : The MC, a GM

On 2010-05-17, Vincent wrote:

Okay, Josh! Co-GMing and moves.

The reason you misdirect when you make your moves as MC is to create an illusion, not to hide your intentions. You choose a move, then pretend that it wasn't your choice, it was just obvious what would happen next. Like when I choose "put someone in a spot" more or less on a whim, but I say "Roark totally spots you moving around up there. He opens fire on you—bullets are spacking all around you, he's got you pretty well pinned. What do you do?"

"Roark spots you" = misdirection. It's like "Roark did this to you, not me," even though obviously I'm the one who really did it.

"Bullets are spacking, you're pinned" = not speaking its name.

So when you're co-GMing, yes, you absolutely still misdirect and still don't speak your moves' names. Those principles govern what you say right now, at the moment of play. They aren't about whether you create mysteries or have secret plans at all.

Make sense? Do you want to talk more about moves, or about mysteries and secret plans?


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