
thread: 2011-02-23 : New Apocalypse World playbook: the hoarder

On 2011-02-28, Vincent wrote:

So now 500+ people have picked this up. Forgive me for being vulgar, but here's some analysis of who benefits.

Karla benefits most. She gets $5000+ out of it.

The people who pick up the bundle benefit next most. They each get $45 worth of games for $10. (Orly on story-games: "With a deal like that it feels like you're doing us the favour.")

I benefit next most after them, ahead of the other contributing publishers. My contribution to the bundle isn't even a game, so it doesn't represent any possible lost sales. In fact it's basically an ad for a game.

Then the other publishers benefit. Theoretically, each publisher lost a couple of sales to this, but it's pretty hard to count imaginary money, and since these were PDFs there are no real costs. What they DO get is their game into the hands of 500+ people who weren't necessarily going to buy it otherwise. If even one of those people plays the game and writes about it online, that'll make up for the lost imaginary sales, and more.

And finally, Elizabeth benefits. First the same as the other contributing publishers, then with just plain old valuable name recognition. When people read her name, they'll remember her for this. She paid the most for it, though, in the time she spent fulfilling the bundles instead of (if you follow her on twitter you know this) keeping up with other work.

Is there anyone who doesn't benefit? I don't think there is. This blows me away. The world isn't zero-sum if you're creating things.


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