
thread: 2011-02-23 : New Apocalypse World playbook: the hoarder

On 2011-03-02, eggdropsoap wrote:

I am not getting the "a spoonful of sugar" move. Or rather, I'm getting it, but it looks out of place and decidedly un-AW-like.

A fundamental part of moves is "to do it, do it; if you do it, do it", but "sugar" doesn't lend itself to this very well. I can kind of imagine what it could look like to be interfering with someone, say, hitting on Rice to get in his pants, missing, and then spending barter to turn that into a 7?9 hit: the hoarder pulls out some nice jingle and turns Rice's eye enough that hey, maybe that wasn't such a good sweet-talking after all. Or something.

But interfering with being shot at, say, from across a field? I'm having a hard time imagining what that spend would look like, where the jingle would go ("augh, my lucky penny I keep in my chest pocket" only passes "make it real" once), who it's being spent on, etc.

It's worse when I think about how this move could be triggered fictionally. So here the hoarder goes, interfering with Kreider trying to open his brain to the maelstrom and then the hoarder throws some jingle at his head, I guess? Ok, that's a stretch but I suppose. But helping him open his brain, what could the hoarder possibly do with a fistful of jingle that would make Kreider's brain-opening better, or make the maelstrom more amenable to probing? I dunno, I'm just not feeling it either way.

So is this a move that just didn't get the love and attention it should have in the cradle, or am I just looking at it from the wrong angle? I love everything else; help me get this nail to stop sticking up!


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