
thread: 2011-02-23 : New Apocalypse World playbook: the hoarder

On 2011-03-12, Ceraph wrote:

Hi, recovering powergamer here ^_^ and hence sensitive to this sort of thing, but it looks like the first Hoarder stat line Cool-1 Hard-1 Hot+1 Sharp+2 Weird+2 is 'better' than any other +2/+2 stat line (f.ex. the Savvyhead or Brainer) at a net +3.

A glitch, or is there a conscious design decision there?  Some philosophical reflection on the revaluing of single-minded greed in a world of scarcity?  ^_^

Another question, if I may- is there an intention that the hoard will be hungry for more of the same items that it contains?  Just wondering about the dynamics when the Hoarder of 'relics & waste of the golden age past' meets the Quarantine...


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