thread: 2011-06-19 : Previously on Game of Thrones
On 2011-06-20, Brand Robins wrote:
Or to actually post on topic...
You will never like GoT. Its a show that, like the books it came from, is about the emotional context and state of the characters. Not "what they do" not "consequences and actions" or any of that "shit that actually matters on a structural level" nonsense.
It is a series entirely about how the characters feel about where they are, and how you feel about them for feeling that way.
For example, take the scene several episodes back where Cersi talks to Jeoffery in one scene and in the very next Ned talks to his daughter. Both of them, without any hesitation, tell their child the same thing "We are good and us, they are they and bad. We will beat them, trick them, and suborn them and in the end we will make sure we eat and they serve."
But Cersi says it in a creepy way with lots of inappropriate touching of her incest born son who pouts and has tempter tantrums while she says it. She's happy about the killing and hating! And he's just an ick!
Ned, otoh, says it grimly and with something that could be misconstrued as regret. He says it with his daughter looking at him lovingly as he permits her to bend (but not break) her assigned gender roll. And she pouts, but comes to accept the honorable wisdom of her honorable father.
Thus Lannisters = bad, Starks = good.
Sure, they're both going to fight the same fight. Sure, they're both rich and ruling families who are going to fuck each other. But one feels gleeful and wicked, the other mournful and sad. So that's what matters.
Knowing you, you can't abide with that. And so I advise cutting your losses.