
thread: 2011-06-19 : Previously on Game of Thrones

On 2011-06-21, David Berg wrote:

I kinda like the Weight of Expectation issues in the GoT show.  Everyone becomes a trope because of overwhelming pressure (culture, family, survival, brainwashing) to do exactly that.  Tyrion should be a playwright or something, but the only reason he's alive is because of his noble privileges, which he only gets to keep if he acts the part of a noble as defined by his asshole dad.

By not running off to write plays, he's constantly making the big choice of "conform & survive" over "self-actualize and die".  Which is refreshingly candid in one way and gratingly anticlimactic and defeatist in another.

Which is kinda the whole show, for me.  I was loving it when I thought it was going somewhere, but now I'm no longer sure it is.

I do like intrigue plots and scarce-but-major magic, though, so they've probably got me for another season as long as the script/acting/shot quality remains.


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