thread: 2011-07-12 : Just 3 Insights?
On 2011-07-13, Bwian wrote:
This 'sets of three insights' idea is following on with the three 'layers' of insight idea?
i.e. one x insight about real life, one x insight about roleplaying, one x insight about content? (I think I picked this set up at Dave Berg's site, where he refers to something you had said on this?)
Acknowledging I have probably not used your words or Dave's words in the last paragraph above. But I gotta say this breakdown into layers(?) is a useful way of thinking about games generally. [Although when I think about it, I'm not sure that I understand what's in the 'content' layer. I'm tempted to get caught up in 'content = fictional reality' vs. 'content = genre trappings' - i.e. is my 'content' insight about Middle Earth, or is it about Epic Fantasy?]
Can you grab us an example of a set of insights driving one of the subsystems in AW?
Or have I missed the point?
And how do you keep it fresh? As Mathieu says, that seems like a lot of insights to come up with.