
thread: 2011-07-06 : I <3 the OSR...

On 2011-07-13, David Berg wrote:

Bwian, thanks for the info!  Is that this?

I dunno about important/interesting/influential, but here are some OSR games recently published or nearing publication: Old School Hack, Legends & Labyrinths, Adventurer Conqueror King.

On methods as tools, I dig it, but it's old news, and identifying more and more methods is getting less and less exciting for me.  Improved usability would be exciting, though—having the toolkit nicely diagrammed and laid out for immediate and easy reference and use in the moment.  Focus and priority also has potential—"these 10 tools are irrelevant, these 10 are fine supplements but don't sweat 'em, and these 5 tools are the ones you absolutely must master for this game."

In my experience, the biggest problem with old-school style gaming is the need to find a brilliant GM, and any OSR work that doesn't tackle that disappoints me.  But I started playing in '87; maybe that wasn't an issue in '81...?


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