
thread: 2005-06-16 : The Forge and Me

On 2005-06-19, Claire wrote:

Hi Charles,

I think the reason we have a designers' forum (as opposed to a non-designers' forum) at the Forge is, in part, because of the following hypothesis:

it is better to make a new game than to revamp an old one.

given my encounters with the Bottom Line ("did you have fun?"), there's definitely a lot said on the Forge that undermines this hypothesis, to the extent that folks fully appreciate both making new games and reinventing old ones. however, i think that the relationship of A) game design forum and B) radical roleplaying game ideas work together in such a manner so that folks sometimes encourage one another to play games *as written*.

i think that such a distinction makes the difference between designer and non-designer-player (NDP?). i totally agree with the idea that designers should be all about actual play; i for one have gotten my head partway around Narr. only because of *actually playing*. i think that maybe the above hypothesis/attitude/assumption/whatever-it-is could be a contributing factor to why we're a community of designers.


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