
thread: 2005-06-16 : The Forge and Me

On 2005-06-20, Meguey wrote:

JasonL (and others)

I don't hang out on the Forge much at all. Too much, too many, and too confusing threads, 'jargon', and people. Plus, the recurring problem of having to have things constantly re-explained to late-comers to the conversation. Have you ever tried actually learning anything from a chat-log? It's a morass of "Hi, I'm late, can someone re-cap the last 20 mins of the training?" intercut with "..So then you take slot Q and apply routine 12. Everybody with me so far? Ok, next talk to the Supervisor in charge, and get them to sign the[continues]"

There are a couple of reasons why it's all so clear around here, as I see it. First, it's lots quieter here. Second, the body of essays is smaller and more consis, and they include graphics, which help pass info into multiple sections of the brain, which makes for better comprehension. Third, Vincent's a really good teacher.


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