
thread: 2005-06-16 : The Forge and Me

On 2005-06-21, Chris wrote:

What if I found a way to provide the community that the Forge does, but in a format that didn't completely blow? Would people use that, or is the explosion into weblogs complete?

One possibility which might work would be to allow the initial poster of a thread the opportunity to limit who can post to it- sort of like a discussion that's happening in public, that everyone else can watch go down, but can't necessarily hop in and disrupt.  It would make sense for folks to PM or email someone if they have some really neat thoughts and want to be included into the conversation- or they can set up a secondary one...

In other words- it would work somewhat like a big get together or a party, except instead of people moving away from the crazy dude who jumps in conversations, he gets politeness forced upon him- "May I join you?"


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