
thread: 2005-06-16 : The Forge and Me

On 2005-06-21, Paul Czege wrote:

1) Adam is right.

Adam's solution isn't broad enough. The Forge is not just a theory house. In fact, I'd argue, that it is not even primarily a theory house. It's about getting better at having fun as a gamer. Our solution should consider more than just the theory business.

Not enough of the community makes a commitment to reading, commenting, and playtesting. Our solution should consider why, and how it might effect a change.

The Forge has lots of publisher-specific forums. They are, in general, quite fallow. Our solution should consider the issue. And try to deliver on users wanting to find content by publisher, but without the downside of a whole page of isolated and largely fallow forums.

The private forum for designing My Life with Master proved incredibly valuable to the design of the game. I'd like our solution to consider how private discussions specific to games in development can remain one of the Forge's services.

(And honestly, I think a peer-review journal scheme would kill The Forge quicker than you can say "Jack Robinson". The gaming community isn't full of folks looking for more work to do. It's full of folks looking to figure out how come their gaming isn't any damn fun, and what they might do about it. Our solution needs to leverage the energy and enthusiasm of these folks, not put everyone else into a service relationship to them.)


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