
thread: 2005-06-16 : The Forge and Me

On 2005-06-22, Valamir wrote:

Of course there is a "Forge Theory"

You have a fairly stable, broad, and largely complete core that a fairly sizeable circle of folks can agree to.  You have a larger ring of fuzzier material where the broad concepts are down but the details shift about a bit.  You have a larger ring of under development material which is likely still a bit all over the place.

Who is the gatekeeper for what is what in the theory?  Of course its Ron.  Its his bloody site fer cryin out loud (content speaking).

The fact that there may be 10, 20, or 10000 people who disagree with bits and pieces here and there means absolutely bupkiss.  If those people want to codify their thoughts on some other site and call it

Theory, great.  "Forge Theory" doesn't require their seal of approval.  Nor does it require 100% acceptance from even its adherants.

My own ranty soap box on this topic is primarily aimed at people who just because they are valued participants wind up feeling entitled to some kind of ownership privilege.  That "The Forge Theory" can't be considered "complete" until they agree with all of its positions.  That kind of thing really gets me tweaked.

"Yeah, you know, the Forge, it was a good try and all, and they had some decent ideas, but ultimately it didn't amount to anything because even they can't agree on half the stuff..." really burns me when I see posts that essentially translate to that.


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