
thread: 2012-04-29 : Monster of the Week

On 2012-04-30, Vincent wrote:

Michael! Can I say? I like the way you've plain cut a bunch of stuff out of Apocalypse World, because you don't need it when what you're doing is fighting monsters. Fiddly Apocalypse World specific stuff: the differences between a gang, a population, and followers; vehicular combat; even whole species of character moves (it looks like).

So that when I make my professional, I still get to create his agency, but it takes 10 seconds instead of the 5 minutes it takes to create followers or a hardhold in Apocalypse World. Or when I create my initiate's sect, it's procedurally the same as creating a professional's agency, instead of being procedurally slightly different, the way that creating followers is slightly different from creating a hardhold.

I think that's great! I think that means 10 minutes creating characters instead of 30, and bam you're playing the game.

Am I right about that?


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