
thread: 2012-12-04 : Positioning: Two Timelines in Text

On 2012-12-04, Gordon wrote:

"anywhere you've visited before, or to a person you know well" as a (beautiful) fictional positioning example - check.

Existence/construction of a fictional timeline at the moment of executing the move - check.

Persistence of that (or any) particular fictional timeline, esp. in a "parallel" way to how the real timeline persists - not important, right?  I mean, as you say, wicked interesting, but not important to where you're driving right now - or is it?

Finally - perhaps because I'm not familiar enough with MotW/AW hacks in general, I'm not sure (in a very interesting and interested way) about the real v. fictional positioning of the "either" section.  Obviously, the fictional character arrives alone/elsewhere or not in the fiction, but - is it neccessary that the character has a (fictional) reason and they (fictionally) make the choice, or might the player (real) simply decide for whatever (fictional and/or real) reason(s) to have that result happen, with no character/fictional connection beyond the simple facts?

I think there's some interesting stuff in there. Or not, and in any case it may not be relevant to what you're currently getting at.  But I mention it just in case it's a relevant question.


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