thread: 2012-12-27 : Positioning: the Okay Cycle
On 2012-12-27, Evan wrote:
How does the "okay" reward cycle then compare with something like Robin Laws' beat analysis from Hamlet's Hit Points?
I mean, where on the one hand you're fictionally positioning your character and, on the other hand, every beat's still got some emotional valence.
Like, cookies are yum - so that's an "up" beat.
But then the PC asks "I find it?" which creates a tiny tick of suspense before the GM totally acquiesces.
Each one of these moments is an opportunity for game mechanics other than sheer narration to intervene, but I wonder specifically how mechanics affect/upset/enhance otherwise straight call-response storytelling time.
(If that makes sense.)
This makes ET go "And my hyphen was swallowed again by the evil question mark. Curses!"
This makes VB go "Got it."