
thread: 2014-08-30 : AW:Dark Age playtest preview: Peoples

On 2014-08-31, Davide wrote:

I love the approach; if *as others pointed out) the whole paperwork (people sheets, war sheets and so on) survives the test at the table, this is a pretty intriguing way to deal with war-building and generating the setting on the fly, while playing.

Also, as others (and as I wrote earlier) I am not really sure about the choices of the real languages, as a strong link between real history and this fantasy world, and as the link from characters to populations. But again - this is just an impression. But the more I think of it, the more I would have liked a more evocative, less precise approach. Something like: 1 common tongue, 2 local dialect, 3 exotic language... or something like that...

But since we're talking mostly about races, I really like this!


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