thread: 2005-10-14 : I Miss Trollbabe Comics
On 2005-10-16, Ron Edwards wrote:
Hey guys,
Unfortunately, I realized I'd finished the whole story after the two rounds of 52 strips.
It was not a pleasant realization. Oh, I *wanted* to write more, whether about Gwyneth, or Vanth, or Oskar - maybe Mooram-Ah, too. I liked the idea of branching out from the 'babes and writing stories about the other characters, then eventually ending up in a Kurosawa-like showdown between Tha (pregnant) and Retta (who'd be in the moral right).
But you know? The story really was finished. The rest would have been fanboy extension, the different between Stan Lee's run on Spider-Man and anything that came after it. The feeling of "this must be written" was gone, replaced only with enjoyment of what *had* been written and illustrated and wanting to recapture it.
Which is a bummer. I loved doing the strip even if most people reading it busted me constantly for the style and approach I liked so much. I really, really loved working with the artists. It was a dream come true, my very own underground comix.
Gott wake up some time, I guess.
I greatly appreciate you guys remembering them and bringin' em up once in a while, though.