
thread: 2005-10-17 : Confronting the Reality

On 2005-10-17, Ninja Monkey J wrote:

That was a fun evening. I wish I could have stayed longer.

I've taken Luke's recommendation and am spending some time on the RPGnet boards.

I just have to remember that I'm there for publicity, not discussion, because the discussion is... well, it's very very bad most of the time. And to make it worse, the volume of posters makes the volume of Forge-fanbois-cum-hecklers is annnoyingly high.


This makes VB go "I'd forgotten!"
I've edited you back into the evening. Heh.

This makes JK go "Choose your moments carefully."

This makes NinJ go "No need!"
I was happy to be there, no editing necessary! Man, I wish I could have stayed up even later and not gone to the wedding. Not that it wasn't OK, I just wish I'd been able to hang with you guys more.

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