
thread: 2006-01-13 : Some remarks, mostly re: media

On 2006-01-16, James Holloway wrote:

Monk: is an interesting example, because the point is not to have a story with a moral element. The point is to watch Tony Shalhoub clown, Ted Levine growl at people, etc. The mysteries are these super contrived setpieces and the characters never significantly develop; they're just meant to serve as a frame to put Shalhoub in more ludicrously awkward positions so we can enjoy watching him do his thing.

And if what you want is either a story about morality and judgment, that is to say a story in the classic crime drama tradition, or a story about an actual person who actually suffers from OCD ... it is not either of those things.

The Shield: I second this recommendation.


This makes MSM go "How will Monk wince this week?"
...I think that's the question posted on all the writer's computers. In the first season, there was a touch of character stuff, but it's long gone now.

This makes JEH go "Yeah, exactly"
it's very old-fashioned screenwriting. With the exception of the Sharona/Natalie thing, you could watch the episodes in any order.

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